
  • Shadow of the Sullied Star

    No matter where he went, they followed. The twisted man laughed, sang, and danced. The woman's voice spoke, apathetic and uncaring. The boy's smile taunted, promised, and swore. How far must he tread to escape these things? How deep must he dive to discover their meanings? This is a darker spiritual successor to By Forge or By Fire. (Omori Inspired)

  • Pilot Season: Series 1

    This is a list of Non-Crossover and Crossover ideas I currently have to write. Feel free to look at them, propose your own, or give your opinion on which you'd like to see my write. While Pilot Season is open, feel free to PM any ideas or concepts you'd like to see.

  • By Forge or by Fire

    Those who control the resources control the world, so when a small boy is born with the ability to produce the most valuable resources the world has ever seen, the line between god and man becomes blurred as both attempt to control him. Will the world be forever blessed by the forge, or will its flame burn the earth away and make it anew? ( Horizon Zero Dawn Elements)

  • Root of the World

    This is a story featuring a crossover between Naruto and Nightfall (A book I'm writing). The first chapter is an informational on what to expect and some exposition of the world. If you're interested in seeing Naruto travel in a different world, having been born into it, you'll probably like this story. Feel free to vote on what characters you'd like to see. (Outline in the works).