Ironclad Dreadmaster

  • Mutants by the Score

    After avoiding the disaster of the White Frost, a new and powerful plague has come to the world of the Witcher, Tiberium. It will change things in a way that no one ever saw coming. All of the continent shall learn to bow before its new overlord. But just how will Geralt and Co survive? Will the shifting political landscape be too much for the famous White Wolf?

  • The Master

    After being foiled once again by the Allies, Yuri escapes from the Transylvanian castle using the Allies own superweapon, the chronosphere. Unfortunately for him, the chronosphere was sabotaged by the allies and now Yuri is stuck in a new reality. Now it is time for him to put his mind to the test and find new ways to command and conquer. Dark, yuri mind control harem.

  • The Psyker

    A psyker suddenly finds himself in a new and perilous position. He must employ all he knows to help save the world from both its enemies, and the new enemies that the psyker brings with him. Will he somehow be able to fit into and make friends with some of the members on the young justice team, and overcome his scars of being born in a world where nobody wanted him. Time will tell.