
  • Princess of the Night

    Ino and Sakura are 5 when Sakura begins having nightmares. The two of them soon learn that her dreams are prophetic, and foretell disaster. If the dreams are to be believed, Sakura doesn't need to change to become a legendary shinobi. The same is not true for Ino, who is fated to become stunningly mediocre. Follow Ino as she strives to be more than what destiny has planned for her

  • The Swamp Man

    Toshiro Umezawa, blind "servant" of the Myojin of Night's reach has a new world to swindle, a new bloated monarchy to dismantle, and... a pair of desperate street urchins awakening paternal instincts he will deny the existence of until his dying breath. A/N: I am only posting this to test formatting/understand how to use the site. Not something I intend to work on.