

  • Hung of the Hill

    Hank Hil has erotic expoits with the men of Arlen and propane. What sort of wacky shananigans wil he get into in this sexy and funny heartwarmer? Only on way to find out! (Rated M for sexual propane.)

  • Wario and Waluigi go to Prison

    After Wario killes Toad in a hilariously bloody mess, he and Waluigi must pay for there sins. What sort of stuff awaits them in prison? Will Wario drop the soap? Will he do it on purpose? Or will Waluigi just try to take over the entire prison and became the king of the prison yard? Only way to find out!

  • The Peter Girffen Experience

    It's wacky and sexy hijincks in Quaohog as Peter Griffen and friends have wild sexual and fantastic adventures! But what sort gay ass tales await Peters' big fat Quohog ass? Will their be a big gaping hole needing to be filed? Will Quagmire have sex with animal? You find out!