

  • The Dark and the Light (Jak X OC) (Sequel to Darkness Within)

    A Year after Zoe and her friends Jak and Daxter Saved Haven City from the Threat of the Metalheads, they struggle to find the new Norm in their Home. But all things come to an end as the council separates them, accusing Jak of being responsible for haven city's problems. Now Reunited In Spargus, The three of them must make a choice, Save Haven City Or leave it to burn.

  • Darkness Within (Jak X OC)

    Jak and Zoe had been friends for years, both orphans growing up in sandover village. But when the group travels to Haven city, the two are captured and separated by the Krimzon Guard; both becoming the main test subjects of the dark warrior project. Jak struggles to keep his sanity: and Zoe struggles to keep her darkness in check. But is it worth it?

  • Silent Rain (levi x reader)

    After the fall of wall Rose and the death of your mother, you are left homeless and with no one. But you under Captain Levi's watch, will your heart slowly open back up?