
  • Bedtime Story

    Edith, Eddie, So That-Girl-Who-Recently-Set-Fire-To-My-Homework. What ever you want to call me, I am me, and your probably thinking, hang on? That was you who set fire to my charms project! Yup. Also, don't ask about the scorch mark on the Gryffindor common room, its a long story. I am afraid i can't tell you, I have detention. Like every time your available...

  • Safe

    Phoebe likes her world how it was. With her mummy and her daddy always with her. Phoebe doesn't like the white room. Phoebe wants to be safe. And she just wants her mummy and her daddy back, but all she sees is ashes. Ashes and fire. Fire that burns. Burns that never heal. And Phoebe only wants to heal her family. One-shot about a family that was torn apart by Voldemort.