Nera Fiore

  • Ward Forty Nine

    Ward Forty Nine is the mysterious closed ward at St. Mungo's. When Harry is accused of insanity, he is horrified at what he finds there.

  • Dispondence

    Sometimes, pain is better than nothing at all. PercyOliver. No DH spoilers.

  • A Story of Revision: Agony

    After losing the Quidditch Cup in his third year, Draco tries to numb the loss with alcohol. Harry finds him trying to cope. Mild slash, DracoHarry.

  • Free

    Total Quidditch. A short Slytherin victory against Ravenclaw is described completely in Adrian Pucey's perspective.

  • Agony

    Malfoy deals with losing the Quidditch final to Gryffindor, and his father's constant abuse. But then Harry interrupts. A wannabe drabble/ficlet. It wants to be slash, but it isn't exactly.

  • Isolation Theory: A Marcus Flint Fanfic

    When Oliver Wood insults Marcus Flint, Marcus completely loses control. Before he knows it, he finds himself reliving his painful past, seeing the truth through the lies, and losing friends.

  • Sometimes

    While Cedric is alone one night, he starts to question his disposition in life, and decides to share his insecurities with Cho, through a letter.