
  • No Direct Contact

    Accelerator doesn't know much about his past, but when he briefly meets a student named "Subject 37" that calls him by a name he doesn't recognize, he longs to find out more from her. He'll have to go against Kihara Amata to do so, with nearly fatal results. Years later, 37 discovers her own past takes her out of Academy City altogether, to a town where superheroes are real.

  • The Glitch Alchemist 2

    With her family back together, Aura is content with the way her life is going. But as a new threat appears that can manipulate her very being, Aura must fight to keep this new evil from destroying everything she holds dear. **Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave comments/feedback!**

  • Spirit of a Festival

    A New Year approaches and Hiyori and her two special friends, Yato and Yukine, make plans to attend the annual New Year's shrine visit and festival. But when Hiyori suddenly becomes ill and can't go to the festival, it leaves the guys wondering what to do. Should they go to the festival without her? Or perhaps... bring the festival to her...