
  • Chance

    Some believe fate is immutable, fixed like the stars in the sky; others believe fate is forged by one's own hands. A strange game of Wicked Grace sets events into motion, prompting Grey Warden Jayne Cousland to examine her notorious companion, assassin Zevran Arainai, in a new light. Story explores their relationship & friendships (picks up at Brecilian Forest before Landsmeet).

  • Seeking Sanctuary

    Ancient tomes on the arcane echo a well-known truth: "Opposites are complimentary." It explains why the human race even exists. It also explains why he, a brooding Demon Hunter, and she, a flamboyant Wizard, can't seem to get along without exchanging barbs. Yet, they begin to realize that their fates may be bound by more than a fallen star. (M!Demon Hunter/F!Wizard)

  • A Matter of Consequence

    Working at the Skyhold dispensary is unnerving Ava, a mage and healer working with the alchemist Adan. Her patients report seeing a man wielding blades, wearing a wide brimmed hat, only to deny it all afterwards. There are too many sightings for her to dismiss, and given everything going on with rifts, demons, and abominations, she reasons one cannot be too careful...

  • Patience

    Hawke is heartbroken when Fenris walks away from her, but comes to understand something she had not realized before about who Fenris is- something that helps her decide how to face her loss. (Takes into account events and some of the dialogue from the beginning of Hawke's romance with Fenris in "A Bitter Pill.")