A Stranger 0.0

  • Yayaka

    Rin is captured by the ministry of magic but escapes with the help of the DA. But after the great fight in the department of mysteries, what will happen to our favourite half-demon? Slight OOC that'll be fixed soon-OoP book- BEING REWRITTEN (now with slash? *legasp*)

  • beauty of the end

    but this radiating agony is not real. i know it isn't. and i know it is myself causing it, my very own conscience making me endure a metaphorical broken heart, thoroughly punishing me for my sins. / A player-killer scene, short and sweet.

  • Forever

    Drabble-ish. Weird. Poem-ish. Late night author's thought's on demon OCs. Might not make a whole lot of sense. Enjoy, anyway, it's super short.

  • Angel, and yet

    Castiel always thought the humans so young and naive and never understood how old they were. / REVIEW you... *swings fist really threateningly*

  • Frozen Over

    In which Jack is Anna and Elsa's "long lost brother" / Might turn into a one-shot-collection, but this will be it if I don't get any feedback *hint* *hint* / Just a fun little scene 'cause... yeah. This summary is bullshed.