Mourning Peaches

  • Goyle's Story I Am A Rock

    Everyone has a reason, a secret, an excuse. Even Goyle. He wasn't always the blundering oaf everyone sees now. So why change? Read and see. A different look on Goyle, based on I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel. One Shot.

  • Oh The Irony!

    What goes around, comes around, and that's the truth. The tale of five MofM employees and how their lives were twisted together by fate's sense of humour. An odd mixture of horror, suspense, angst, humour and romance, but a good read! I promise.

  • The Fairy Mother

    The Fairy Mother was once the most feared creature in the Dark Forest: the Queen of the Little People, she ruled all. No one can reign forever though. The tale of how a cursed fairy affected Hogwarts students from the FourFounder's 900’s to the modern day

  • Boris the Bewildered

    The day of DADA OWL exam Lily was sure that her hatred James couldnt go any further That evening her whole view of him crumbled and believe it or not it was the lostlooking Boris that was there to comfort her As much a statue can comfort anyway

  • War and Peace

    30 years since the final defeat of Voldemort and the death of Harry Potter and many things have changed, but none as much as Ginny Weasley. All try to help, but is it too late after years of unattended grief?

  • The Pensieve

    There are many fanfics about the night the Potter's died, but what about the day before? Dumbledore looks back and remembers his last conversation with Lily Potter. One-shot. Please R&R!