Mana Shiroku

  • Falling Petals

    Bloody Petals was a well known restaurant. The dream of all to be able to get a glimpse of the handsome owner, Kaname Kuran. When Zero, finally able to get money for his sickly brother discovers the other side of Kuran, will he tolerate the constant harassing of the latter or will he give up on trying to save Ichiru? KaZe Maybe Kain X Ichiru

  • A beginning in every end

    Zero has been transferred to the night class after biting Yuki, to the point of draining her, two months after his imprisonment by the hunter association. All assumed it was his lack of self control which drove him to this point, and yet a certain blonde vampire is proven otherwise as the truth started to unravel itself beneath the hidden mask of Zero.Yaoi/Rape/MPREG/AiZe/RiZe/KaZe