
  • The Collector Rebuilds

    Taneleer Tivan needs a new slave to clean up the mess caused by his last one and possibly attract new sellers to rebuild his collection. Hanni finds his on-and-off compassion and unpredictable cruelty unsettling, but she can't seem to help but feel affection for her distraught master. T for some sensuality and mild violence. Follows movie more than comics. Complete!

  • Monster, Part 3 - Finale

    Loki & Lyanne are imprisoned in separate realms, desperate and bitter. Lyanne's captors put her through horrors that may break her, while Loki must contend with the idea of eternity in his cell. Will catch up to what happens after Thor 2. Slight crossover with Guardians of the Galaxy (Collector only). Rated T for language & violence, reviews adored, but it's ok to just enjoy it.

  • Second Love of Severus Snape, Part 2

    We last left Severus and his wife after a fight at the end of book 6. Their marriage is strained and they both must make heavy decisions that will change their lives forever. Abandoned story, testament to my poor writing back in the day.

  • Auron Falls (re-write)

    Auron finally reaches the Farplane, but is suddenly torn away into an unfamiliar world. The woman he meets there wants to help him home, but where will he decide that is? Post FFX-2, eventually includes other characters. Re-written from Auron Falls - less fluff, no Sue, a bit different overall.

  • The second love of Severus Snape

    Severus never thought he could fall in love again, but he does... with a Muggle. His heart is mended only to a point, but there is always the memory of HER, the reason he does everything, his first love... Part 1 of 2. Spoilers. Fluff, not proud of my old writing, but if you enjoy it I'll still be happy.

  • Severus's Rebellion

    Severus, 18, finally stands up to his parents... his abusive father, Tobias, and weakened mother, Eileen, revealing himself as the man he will become.