
  • Forgive And Forget

    16 years ago Stella and Brandon lose their baby daugther under a battle, a year later they have twins but they never forgot about their first born. 16 years later a young female S.H.I.E.L.D agent shows up in Magix for a mission. You may think what does the agent have in common with Brandon and Stella right? Well alot more than you imagined! Stay tuned and find out more :)!

  • The Other Side

    Flora's has been living in New York for a while, she then decides its time to go home for the holidays to visit her brother and friends in Gardenia! But what nobody knows is that she's moving back. There's especially one person that's she's looking forward to see, but this person doesn't even know she exist! But one day he notices her and actually speaks with her. Stay tuned!

  • The Roommate

    Stella is moving into her very first apartment ALONE or so she thought? At this point her life is perfect until she finds a very speciel person in that apartment she thought she would be living in by herself! From here Stella world has totally turned upside down, when she finds out about her new roomie! Who is this roommate? What's going on? Read this fanfic and find out ;).

  • Happy Endings

    After Stella and Brandon's messy breakup, the day to Flora and Helia wedding has come! This amazing wedding day does not only bring happiness to the soon to be newly weds, but it also comes with suprises for everyone! Will this change Stella and Brandons current situation?Will the wedding change everything? Do we all really believe in happy endings? Stay tuned and find out more :)