
  • Sick Leave

    Just a look into Cloud and Sephiroth's day...

  • By the light of the lunar moon (remake)

    Sesshomaru The western lord can never accept a hanyou for a half brother, but what will happen when he meets the boy on accident. Can he learn to love such a being? How shall things turn out for the two brothers? Does he have someone to protect or is that saying only for the weak hearted?

  • Confession's of a Choir boy

    My eyes stared straight ahead, the preacher's words still stirred my very soul even though I know knew the truth. I can hear shouts of Amen, and Preach it Pastor! "Choir if you would please start with *All the Way My Savior Leads Me.*" Why am I even here? God what do I do?, but your not even real are you?