Sort of an alternate version of Newsies. It's from Crutchie's perspective, only this time, Crutchie is a newsgirl. She goes through the strike, the Refuge, all the events of the musical. But because she is a girl, events are a bit different. The message is also a bit more disability-inclusive, as it's written by a disabled author.
Chapter 3 of QONY. Crutchie starts thinking more about strikes, square deals, and her own well as what makes her a newsie, and what she's willing to sacrifice for her fellow newsies. It's not strike time yet; one more chapter or so!
Second chapter of QONY.
American Finola Frost gets the shock of her life when she hears from Minister of Magic Hermione Granger that she's a witch, and has been invited to study at Hogwarts. Currently under MAJOR editing of first 11 chapters to clean up content/plot issues. Friendship/hurt/comfort. Possible romance for Snape with new professor. AU, alternate timeline.