

  • Texture

    Coarse and smooth, and yet they fit together so well. GodricxSalazar. For typingmonkey.

  • Touch

    Salazar does not spend his time watching Godric. GryffindorxSlytherin. Doubledrabble for typingmonkey.

  • Password

    Godric Gryffindor x Salazar Slytherin. Godric wonders if they've done the right thing, splitting up the school their own four ways. Request fic for typingmonkey. Rating for implications.

  • What Love Is

    Ginny Weasley sometimes wonders what love is. Not canon pairing. GinnyNeville, from Ginny's POV

  • Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones

    The whispers followed her everywhere she went. She thought her death would banish them, but she thought wrong. Will Myrtle ever find her freedom? Oneshot written for the femgenficathon over on livejournal

  • Draco Defeated

    What actually happens when Draco cries in Myrtle's bathroom? Genfic doubledrabble done on a request from Viciousberries.

  • He Watched Her

    Hate turned to lust, lust turned to obsession, obsession turned to hate as he watched her. LuciusLily ficlet

  • Nargles

    HarryLuna set in their sixth year. Harry is cleaning up after the last DA meeting of the term and seems rather surprised when Luna points out this year's Christmas decorations to him. Light and sweet unashamedly fluffy HL

  • Sunlight

    Snupin SnapeLupin, i.e. slash ficlet, slightly dark. First of three. Set in their fifth year a continuation of Snape's Worst Memory.

  • Shallow

    Just a bit of RonHermione fluff. One-shot. Set near the end of their 7th year.

  • Extremely Bizarre Events

    DISCONTINUED. Written whilst on coffee at 3 in the morning, mostly