Space Station

  • The Cloud's Silver Lining

    Six years after a dogfight with a Ghost Plane that ended Lieutenant Free's NFO career; he can only seem to dwell on moments of the last time he saw his best friend Tucker, and his F-14 Tomcat. A spry femme Seeker named SkyLine finds herself making deals with the devil and biting off more than she can chew, but she may have a friend on the inside... (more summary inside)

  • Tossed Glass

    Niles thinks about how he got here over a few drinks... And accidentally hits someone with a glass. (Niles x Self Insert) (After book one, one-shot! Unedited)

  • Ship in the Woods

    Kumquat is a little bit too hot, and a break for the stream leaves Varo betting it's more than the heat getting to him... (Unedited mlm lemon)

  • Ship in the Woods

    Kumquat is a little bit too hot, and a break for the stream leaves Varo betting it's more than the heat getting to him... (Unedited mlm lemon)

  • Our Beautiful Children

    Why do the Animatronics attack the Guards every night? Is it programming? Possession? Revenge? For fun? Or could it be because a Guard took away something they loved the most? (Fandom based, mostly summary-work, written late at night. An over 1000 hit story on Ao3!)

  • Don't Loose Your Way - Halo NG

    "10 years after the War, the Next Generation lives for Peace... I do not like it." Naress and Kiara have recently joined the Galactic Peace Core, bound to help revive dying or dead planets and eradicate any threats to the Peace. The two, along with comrades, are dragged into the mystery of a planet name Kuili which recently blinked off the peace map... (Slow beginning; cov by me.)