
  • The Shy, The Cheerful, and the Calm Type?

    After their bosses decide to get reports of how modern-day kids are getting on, Canada, America, and Japan disguise themselves as students and attend Ouran Academy, a school in Japan's country. Little did they know about a Host Club in an abandoned music room...

  • Hetalia Beanboozled Challenge

    The Beanboozled challenge has two jellybeans of the same color, but they both taste different. One tastes normal, the other is something disgusting, like barf. (YES, AN ACTUAL FLAVOR. AND IT TASTES LIKE IT, TOO.) What happens when America, Canada, and England play the challenge?

  • Magic is Real

    I know the idea was used multiple times, wanted to try to make one... No one really expected it. One minute, they were having a normal, boring day, next England forces them to go to a Magic School named Hogwarts to control their magic! What happens when these transfers meet the Golden Trio, and the trio gets suspicious?