

  • Homeland

    Firewhiskey. Neat. That was her drink, and Fenwick was a complete knob for not knowing it… I know it, Sirius thought bitterly. Why are you with him and not with me?

  • A Good Team

    Marlene always talked about how they shouldn't spoil Harry, but that was easier said than done. / AU in which Sirius doesn't go to Azkaban, Marlene doesn't die and Harry grows up being spoilt by his godparents.

  • Safe Haven

    Sirius had never seen her so immersed in anything, or look so tragically beautiful.

  • Burning Stars

    Masochistically, Marlene approached one of the telescopes and searched for the Canis Major — it wasn't hard to find, and Sirius was scorching as bright as ever that night. "Prat," she muttered, angrily, looking away.

  • 5 Signs You're In Love

    Sirius should have never listened to Mary read them that stupid article from Witch Weekly Magazine... Or, 5 signs Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon are in love with each other.

  • Wake Up Your Sleeping Heart

    Marlene didn't know what exactly was about Sirius Black's bed that was so infuriatingly enticing, but she found herself going back there every time.

  • Parents' Worst Nightmare

    James and Marlene liked to go on and on about how they went way back, being childhood friends and all, and they did; but Sirius Black had history with Marlene McKinnon too.

  • Legítimamente tuyo

    Lily entrecerró los ojos: nadie le coquetearía a James Potter mientras éste alegara estar enamorado de ella. James&Lily oneshot.

  • Te Atrapé

    -¿Admites que me estabas espiando? -insistió James con una sonrisa. Lily bufó, ceñuda-. Admítelo: te atrapé. James&Lily oneshot

  • Me Pasan Cosas

    ¿Qué era lo que le estaba sucediendo? ¿Qué era ese cosquilleo en el estómago cuando lo veía sonreír? ¿Por qué no soportaba su mirada más de tres segundos? Le pasaban cosas, y lo peor era que esas cosas le pasaban con él. James&Lily songfic.

  • You Make Me Feel Like a Star

    ¿Qué es lo que logra hacerte sentir especial 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana? Fácil: tener un novio como James Potter. Lily&James songfic.