
  • I Don't

    Severus Snape refuses to drink since it reminds him of his father. However, Snape has put the past behind him and has moved on with his life. Of course, the past always has a way of catching up, and one summer's day in the Hog's Head, it does.

  • A Mother's Choice

    Narcissa Malfoy wants to protect her son, and she knows only one man can. But turning to Severus Snape may cause more problems than it will solve.

  • A Graveside Meeting

    When Severus Snape goes to visit Lily's grave, a chance meeting offers him an ounce of closure. Mentions of James/Lily and one-sided Snape/Lily. Reviews welcomed!

  • Illicit

    In moments like these, wrong can feel so right. A series of fifty Lucius/Astoria drabbles, written as a shuffle challenge. T rating is an average rating.

  • My Only Son

    Lucius Malfoy is alone, a prisoner in Azkaban and in himself. Haunted by visions of his son's death each night, Lucius worries his mind is deteriorating. But he has no idea how deathly accurate these nightmares are.

  • The Boggart

    A oneshot portraying an awkward conversation between Professors Lupin and Snape. Implied slash.