
  • Little Brother

    One day after an battle, Spike discovers a holo of a smiling Megatron with a happy blue and red Sparkling on his lap. Who is this Sparkling and what does it have to do with Optimus Prime? Meanwhile, there are things happening on the Nemesis. M to be safe.

  • Pets Again

    Like my Pets story, Megatron captures the Armada kids but in this version, they remain humans. The first thirty five chapters are actually the same as Pets but chapter thirty six takes the story in a different direction. So if you wanted to know what would happen if the kids remained human, then this is the story for you. Enjoy. Brand new chapter 36 is finally up!

  • Servant

    AU. Megatron has successfully conquered Cybertron and now he demands tributes. Unfortunately for a young Prime, he is that tribute and now must become the consort to the emperor and becomes Sparked. By chance, he manages to smuggle his offspring out so that he might experience the freedom his carrier has been denied. But what will happen when Valour's path crosses that of his Sire?

  • Tomorrow's Children

    Life is going well in Tomorrow, everyone is settling in and learning new ideas and skills. But what happens when the increased food and an anniversary result in a pregnant Ugga? Is Tomorrow ready to welcome the next generation of Croods? Find out in this story.

  • The Status Q

    A certain annoying but powerful being from Star Trek the Next Generation decides to pay a visit to Generation One Earth and while there, decides to shake things up in the most entertaining way. Now Autobots and Decepticons alike must cope with new forms and Spike must cope with making sure they don't get into too much trouble. Warning for nudity and possible future sex scenes.

  • Dear Fan Fiction Writers

    This was originally written by Callidora-Malfoy who decided to close down their account but allowed me to re-post this story. Similar to my Pet Peeves story as it involves different Harry Potter characters writing to fan fiction to air their complaints about various story plots and how they are portrayed. Hope you all enjoy.

  • Pet Peeves

    The characters of Harry Potter have certain pet peeves over the way their portrayed in fan fiction. So, they compile a series of letters to fan fiction writers explaining what their pet peeve is and why it doesn't work. Suggestions are very welcome.

  • Hard Road Ahead

    Adopted from EmilyDawn94. Sirius did not die in the Ministry and now has custody of Harry but their problems are far from over. Will Sirius be the parent Harry needs? Can Harry help Sirius be able to cope with his inner demons? Read on to find out.

  • Severus versus Sirius

    The title says it all, this a non-slash piece of fluff involving our favorite potions master and Mauruder. Warning, contains Sirius aspects and brief Snape.

  • Three's The Charm

    Time Travel. It's the end of the Battle of Hogwarts but the price has been high. The Golden Trio dearly wished that they could have done more to save lives and fate decides to grant their wish. Follow them as they redo their years at Hogwarts, starting from First year and work to make a difference in the wizarding world. All while trying to keep their true selves a secret.

  • Snared by a Devil

    While investigating a criminal, Hermione's is cuaght his vine plant. What follows in a strange session of capture and pleasure as Hermione discovers something new. Warning, this story contains bondage and vine sex, don't like, don't read. M for a reason. Discontinued, see author's note in the last chapter.

  • Gladiator

    AU: Megatron is one of the finest gladiators in Kaon and when he wins his hundredth fight, the bosses are willing to grant him a special reward. However, he doesn't want just anything, he wants something that does not exist in Kaon, a Femme. His request is granted and a young Femme is kidnapped from Iacon to be his slave. Can she survive the harsh new environment and a cold master

  • The Great Hall Read: Book One

    Wishing to find a way to discredit Harry Potter, Umbridge believes she's found the solution when a bunch of books land on her desk. Now she brings the whole of Hogwarts together to read the first of the books, the Philosopher's Stone. But will her plan really work? Read on to find out. Only contains a few quotes, no big chunks of the original books.

  • Shockwave's Prisoners

    Set after the events of the Animated series, several Decepticons manage to escape. And the first thing a certain one optic Mech does is to kidnap Bumblebee to be his personal slave but Bumblebee won't be the last. How will the Decepticon prisoners cope with being slaves? Read on to find out, an rp between me and shrineangel89, contains non con and spanking.

  • Petrie Adopted

    When Petrie loses his mother, he is left all alone after his siblings are adopted by others who sadly can't take him in also. But that all changes when two new fliers come to the Great Valley. A short story by me and Mrs Bumblebee, enjoy.

  • Foundling

    When seven year old Harry Potter is lost by his nelgectful aunt, he is found by non other than our favaorite Potions Master. So follows is a story of two lonely people finding something they never thought they could, love. Rated T to be safe.

  • Orphan

    When Cody Calf is forced to go to an orphanage, a certain Sheriff steps in to help. A fluffy one shot written by me and Mrs Bumblebee, enjoy.

  • Secret Thoughts

    If you existed in an alternative universe, would you like to know how your other self lives? Harry is given the chance to see what could have been if his early life had played out slightly differently. But he's not along, his best friends along with some choice characters are also there to see and to learn the secret thoughts of another Harry. Inspired by Under a Watchful Eye.

  • The Willow

    Set in Dumbledore's office after the Willow incident, the headmaster talks to all three boys involved, James Potter, Sirius Black and Severus Snape. As he tries to figure out each individual boy's reasoning, can he help them realise the consequences their actions could have and will have? Read on to find out.

  • The Great Hall Reading

    What happens when you take the entire school, teacher and students, add some Ministry members with a few added extras and stick them into the Great Hall with a few certain books to read? Well, you can read on to find out if you like.