
  • Why?

    Harry is upset and angry at Professor Lupin leaving at the end of Third year and he blames Snape. After all, Snape's the one who told the Slytherin's about him being a werewolf. So, he decided to confront his Potion's teacher, to demand an explanation. And surprisingly, Snape tells him exactly why he did what he did and it is for reasons Harry never expected.

  • A Sirius reaction

    Extract taken from my original Hogwarts reads the book series but DOES NOT contain JK whole chapters of her books, only a couple of quotes. And quotes are allowed in any publication. Anyway, how does Sirius and Remus react when Dumbledore sends them the first two books? This little story contains just their reactions and discussion, plus the odd quote. Enjoy.

  • Hogwarts read the Prisoner of Azkaban

    The third in the Hogwarts reads series and this time, they read the third book. What new guests will come and read and how will people react to Harry's third year? Read on to find out.

  • To whom it may concern

    This is just a series of letters different Hogwarts characters have written, starting with a First year Hermione to her parents. Suggestions for other letters are very welcome, just written for a bit of fun and something different.

  • Why Non Canon Pairings Are So Right

    Warning for crack fic. Professor Balderdash presents you with rather marvelous reasons why such delightful pairings like Dramione and many, many more. The aim is only to educate the confused and trifled readers who upset themselves worrying over pairings.

  • Hogwarts reads the Philosopher's Stone

    Yep, another one of those everyone reads the first book. When a fuming Umbridge discovers the books, she thinks she finally has Harry but is this the case? Read on to find out, suggestions welcome.

  • Hogwarts reads the Chamber of Secrets

    The sequel is up at last, I hope you all enjoy it. With new faces, Hogwarts now reads the second Harry Potter book but how do they get on? Read on to find out.

  • We Need To Talk

    James had finally convinced Lily to go out with him and everything had seemed perfect. But one day, Lily sits James down and tells him that they need to talk. What do they talk about? Is their relationship not as perfect as it seems? Read on to find out.

  • Help Will Always Be Given

    While reading fan fiction, Hermione and Ron have noticed that certain mistakes can be made when writing. So, they have decided to compile a list to help writers with their stories. A sort of fun story which actually is meant to offer advice for writing.

  • Golden Moments

    A series of short stories that star the Golden Trio. In the first chapter, how would things have been different if Ron and Hermione went into the Chamber of Secrets with Harry? Read on to find out, rated M to be safe for future stories.

  • Scrooge

    Just a little bit of Christmas fluff to be enjoyed. Snape is acting even meaner in the run up to Christmas and just about every student, excepting the Slytherins has something to say about it. Based off the Muppet song Scrooge.

  • Harry Potter and Curse of the Cliches

    Voldmort has cursed the Golden Trio and now they must face the stuff of nightmares, cliches. Can they survive the bashings, the MarySue Ocs, horrible pairings like Dramione and maybe worst of all, slutty Luna? Read on to find out.

  • The Love of a Lily

    James was desperate for Lily to love him and took drastic measures. But his actions meant that when Voldemort cursed her with Sleeping Death, her true love hadn't just been killed. He was still alive and he still loved her. Severus/Lily story.

  • Always

    Severus Snape has always been obsessed by Lily Evans and takes this obsession to a while new level in this story. But in the process, realises something very important and understands love a bit better. Rated M for issues of obsession and sex scenes.

  • Investigations of the Heart

    When Harry is mysteriuosly attacked the facts don't add up. Ron and Hermione decide to investigate to uncover the truth and along the way, perhaps each other. Rated M for violence.