
  • Fate and Magic

    Adrian Pucey has been in love with his childhood friend since they first started Hogwarts. As a young man surviving the Second Wizarding World, will he have enough courage to tell her or will he leave her in the dark? Will she allow him to keep her in the dark or will she take matters into her own hands. Adrian Pucey & OC pairing. Rated M for a reason

  • Seduced By A Pirate

    Hermione, Ginny, and Hermione's cousin, Markia are kidnapped by pirates. What happens when they fall in love with three of the pirates and one of them being the captain? Join me on this exciting adventure as the girls make a huge decision on whether they want to stay with the pirates or return to the hell that they were taken from. Blaise & Hermione; Draco & Ginny; Marcus & OC

  • The Slytherin Beauty

    It's a poem story about Ginny and Draco. Basically Draco falls in love with Ginny when she is moved into Slytherin against her family's wishes. Though Ginny has hard time believing Draco really loves her, can they ever love each other? R&R Plz.

  • A Surprise Visitor

    oneshot What happens when Draco’s cousin comes to Hogwarts? Character Death! You will shed tears. Read and Review Please. Flames are accepted but I’m warning you now it’s my first fanfic.