

  • Deal or No Deal

    When a childhood acquaintance returns to town, Pauline is faced with a decision that could make or break her life

  • Apple Pie

    Freeverse. Ron and Hermione are like apple pie! Read & review!

  • Healing, Living, Loving

    Various characters' perspectives after the final battle at Hogwarts. Starting with Parvati Patil. Really unoriginal title, I know, but I really have no clue what to call this! Read it though!

  • All's fair in love and war

    possible multichap fic. another Vic/Teddy/Lily love triangle story, but hopefully I can do something new with it. Some bad language, some angry girls...Read it!

  • That's Why You're BeautifulSongfic

    Songfic to Beyonce's That's Why You're Beautiful. Arthur/Molly "Don't ask me why the sky's blue, that's not my business, all I know is I, look up and tell myself, be patient, love...it could be us" Read and REview!

  • Dracosexual

    It's the end of term and all Pansy wanted to do was join her year mates at the lake. Maybe show off her figure. Than Draco and Harry had to steal her thunder. Draco/Harry fix done at that magical time of insomnia and slap-happy jitters

  • rivals for life

    and he'll stay the bad guy, and she'll stay the girl he couldn't have...my favorite pairing! Angelina/Montague free verse

  • Hope fed Blossoms

    No one knew what magic Molly used, but whatever she did, each girls flower was in perpetual bloom, perfectly healthy even in unsuitable living needs. Molly just knew it was her hope. In which Molly cares for her granddaughters.

  • Lost Girls

    The rain was home. Roxanne and Lily get lost in dreams, because their reality is not a happy one. I'm can't really summarize this one. JUST READ! :D

  • rusted gold

    and is it worth it? for messy hair and emerald eyes? it doesn't matter. Draco loves Harry! read it!

  • she's fly and it's perfect

    Charlie/Angelina so when he cheats, you jump, dry her tears, make her smile, healed like your dragons. and she is. she's fire, she flys, she's special. lucky you, fred screwed up and suddenly, romania is too far

  • Those Weasley girls

    Those Weasley girls, they'll lead you to your death with a smile on their gorgeous faces, they'll tear you apart with fangs behind poison lips...Teddy's view of the Weasley estrogen boom

  • and you're losing this battle

    and you hear them, whispering secrets you'll never know and you want to let him go, but then she wins, and we can't have that now can we, babydoll? so you hold on, try to catch water in a cracked glass...Victoire/Teddy/Lily

  • l o n e l y lilyluna

    so dance, gorgeous, live, dangerous, and forget you didn't get the guy. In which Victoire is the victor. unrequited Lily/Teddy freeverse

  • and it just feels right

    and you just can't find the time to regret 'cause it's Roxy and you're Uncle Harry and it should matter but it doesn't, and it shouldn't work but it does. Roxanne/Harry freeverse

  • and you'll always come second

    and so he winks at little awkward you, with his amber eyes. your heart stops, and your stomach drops because you just know, perfect Vic has never gotten that LOOK. Roxanne/Teddy freeverse