
the alpha phoenix

  • The Wave of Darkness

    The Digidestined knew this day was coming. It was only a matter of time before it happened. The creatures of the Dark Ocean are calling again. Sequel to Better the Devil You Know. Takari, PataGato, Sorato, Kenyako and Koumi

  • Schreckhaftes Girl

    Kurisu wondered why she'd agreed to this. It was a terrible idea and there was no way that she could back out now. She should never have let Okabe talk her into doing something like this. Okabe x Kurisu

  • Christmas Gift

    Takeru had a special gift that he planned to give to Hikari for Christmas and he hoped that it would be the best present that he could ever give her. Now he just needed to go through with his plans and hand her the gift. Takari one-shot.

  • Writer's Block

    TK is becoming frustrated with his inability to get his latest story to flow and he is frightened about letting down his readers. Kari senses this and gives him a few suggestions that rekindle his creative spark, spawning the idea for his most popular series of books. Takari one-shot