
  • Betrayal, Murder and unsolved mysterys

    It has been three years since Francis Bonnefoy a popular student at the global academy was brutally murdered at a school party gone awry. Alfred F. Jones, was blamed for the murder and been locked up ever since. Not the best way to end the school year, one student dead, another behind bars. But the mystery isn't over just yet. Alfred wasn't the murderer, I will find the truth.

  • The Descent

    AU- Karma and Nagisa have a complicated relationship; Ex-Best friends who are now both rival leaders of their own small gangs. The Red Gang and the Blue gang are both bands of petty criminals who constantly clash. However, outside forces want to fan the flames of Nagisa's hatred, and take him down an even darker path than he ever could of imagined.. (For a competition).

  • Flawed Cycle

    Hetalia boarding school is suppose to be a prestigious academy, but all anyone seems to do there is cause chaos. However, a terrible tragedy suddenly strikes and destroys everything. Feliciano is given the chance to start again and save everything, but things keep going from bad to worse. Is it just his fate to die before the school year ends? Is everyone in the school doomed?

  • How to save a life

    Alfred has been sick all his life. Everyone knows he's going to die young. Arthur seems to be the only one who can't accept that- he'll do anything to keep his friend alive. Even if it means selling his soul to a perverted demon.

  • The Blast

    Twelve years ago, 'the blast' happened. Nobody really knew what it was. Some people thought it was solar flares, others a nuclear explosion. Some even thought it was a punishment from God. But one thing was for certain though- after the blast, nothing was ever the same. Only 20% of the population survived, and it's up to them to save humanity. But is it even possible?

  • What Lies Below

    Arthur Kirkland appears to be the perfect young aristocrat. Smart, attractive, talented. But he has a deadly family secret he must keep hidden at all costs. He's not the only one telling lies though- his classmates all have their own secrets, and nobody is what they seem.

  • Spain's little sister

    It's the golden age of Piracy. Antonio is traveling the seas with his charge, Romano, and his little sister Sara. But a certain English nation is out to cause trouble for them. Just how far will he go?

  • Blood-Lust

    Hetalia city is overrun by Vampires, but Alfred's the only human who seems to notice, and he's determined to stop them. Meanwhile, Arthur the wizard and Gilbert the vampire make an unlikely pair, but together they struggle to survive in this city, which isn't easy, especially when they're being tailed by their former coven. Francis on the other hand is more interested in revenge.