Force Unbroken

  • our december will be littered with light

    River looks at the Doctor, and he looks at her for a split second before both of their eyes migrate upward and land on the small bundle of mistletoe hanging suspended from the doorway. Well. It's almost comforting to know her mother hasn't changed. (River Song knew she'd be joining her parents for Christmas. She's just not sure what version of her husband has joined them too.)

  • The Art of Falling

    They're both broken, and she can still see the cracks when they're held up to the light, but maybe it's the mixing of pieces and the sharing of scars that will make them whole again. They're not running anymore. He loves her. She loves him. And it might not be perfect, but nothing ever is, and it's a very good place to start. During/post 6.22, "Blue Bird".