
  • Gothams new legend

    When a young builder wants to make a new idea. Yet some wants it for danger so He change from a builder for good to a Villian to keep the others from taking his idea and destroyin the world. Things may be dangerous but if he recruits he could be greater than the Joker or Lex.

  • Cooper Gang in The Keyblade Journey

    The heartless has attack and the Gang and Carmelita has been saved by a strange light. Join Murray as he finds the keyholes and saves all that he can while the danger grows from the shadows.

  • Star Wars the New Journey

    What if Clank went into the star wars universe when he was deemed defected. He escape and he downloaded alot of weapons and armor and other ideas from the series that he could be a great help to the new galaxy far far away. There he meets a orphan who not onlys helps him and shows him new thing but they even survived the impossible odds.

  • Galatic effect

    If mass effect and star wars come in what will happen? Who will survive?