Lil Red from the Hood

  • In Love and War - SYOC

    King Durran and Queen Alyeen have been trying and trying to produce a son ever since their marriage, but yet they have only been able to produce a daughter, who will never ascend the throne. With tensions growing between the couple and matter growing more urgent, lords begin to throw their daughters at this troubled king, tempting him to break his marriage vows. - SYOC open!

  • A World Without Choice (SYOC)

    Gilea meets Illéa, in a Selection like no other. Women have virtually no rights, no say in their place in society, but once in a lifetime comes an opportunity to become Queen. Only a Select few have been gifted this opportunity, but the penalty for failing to secure the prince is unthinkable. How will these young women fair and how far are they willing to go to secure their future?

  • Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Male SYOC)

    Illéa is torn between traditionalists, who want to keep the things the same, and equalists, who want to change things for the better. These two groups have been clashing for years. When the king has no suitable heir, he does the unthinkable and has his daughter host a Selection to find a new king. Will a suitable monarch be found? Or will the whole thing end in disaster? (0/15)