
  • Please dont read this These are stories im translating for myself

    If you find this in the 10 minets it will be up dont read it. Its another story im translating for myself to read. This is my book of translations

  • The Secret No One Could Belive

    Rose Harper Potter is the secret daughter of Lily and James Potter. There is no Boy-Who-Lived and rather the Girl-Who-Lived. Harper grows up with Sirius and Peters Ex Girlfriend. How will she keep her secret and find a way to save Sirius?

  • Watching Harry Potter AndThe Prizoner Of Azkaban

    Dumbledore gets a strange letter saying how ‘the marauders, Snape, Wealseys, Mcgonagall, himself, Poppy, and Hagrid all will watch the life in third year (and possible more if i want heheheheh) of a student. How will Lily and James react to having a son! How will Evryone react to Harry Potter. Will Snape get through the movie without breaking something (most likely not)