
  • Rule of Two

    When you have two prophecies that go something along the lines of: "either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives" and "ultimate balance in the Force will be restored" existing at the same time in the same universe, you have the recipe for catastrophic results.

  • Elemental

    A young British Auror finds himself stranded on a tropical island. He soon learns of the magical properties hidden within it — and what it has done to his deceased partner.

  • Mudblood, Pureblood

    Mudblood, Pureblood, it was all red when spilt. During sixth year, Draco Malfoy had stopped trying to tell the difference. He had bigger problems, which got even bigger when Hermione Granger started to notice.

  • Grey Souls

    Basic principal, really. The good souls go someplace nice, the bad souls not so much. However there is a sort of 'grey area' in regards to how a soul seems to commit an equal amount of good and bad acts. There are more of these Grey Souls than there are good or bad, in fact. Death finds himself in a scheme to give these souls a clean slate and Draco Malfoy is the first collected.

  • Unshaped

    Ten-year old Draco Malfoy was given the opportunity to change his destiny... he was expecting to fight perilous journeys against vicious muggles, not to bump into a buck-toothed bushy-haired girl named Hermione Granger.

  • The Boy With the Scars

    For Draco Malfoy's entire life he was told that he should avoid freaks. Yet now his father was forcing him to make friends with one. Harry Potter was a nutter. Off his rocker. Completely barmy... and scary. It wasn't just the scars. Who in Merlin's name laughed when they got hurt?