Harry's start of teaching at Hogwarts. Oneshot!
Instead of finding the Weasleys on platform 9 and 3 quarters, Harry gets help by a pale girl with midnight black hair and scary red eyes. With her help, will he be saved from Dumbledore's manipulation and carve his own way to success? With nwew friends and different opinions, read how Harry's life is turned upside down. Harry/OC Bashing!Dumbledore Bashing!Weasleys Good!Snape
Umbridge wants to reveal all of Harry's secrets by making the school read Harry's Diary. Who knew harry had a diary in the first place? And who is this mysterious 'Selena' mentioned in his diary. What will happen when the diary reveals secrets that even Ron and Hermione didn't know. Smart!Harry
Read as a muggleborn Lily Moon achieves what many could not- befriend all houses. And why exactly is Harry Potter of all people stalking her? Bashing!Dumbledore Bashing!Weasleys Ravenclaw!Harry Good!Voldemort
Harry is not oblivious. With the revelation that his mother is half blood and that his friends betrayed him, will he cope with the new information? Will he join the dark side? With his childhood best friend, watch as mystery unravels and he solves the puzzle of his pre-planned life. Dark!Harry Bashing!Dumbledore Bashing!Weasleys Good!Voldemort
Severus has not been in peace since he joined the dark lord at age of 17 and told him the prophecy, because he knew that his best friend, lily, would not forgive him. will he be at peace hen lily's son forgives and honours him by naming her grandson after him?