
  • Split, Sick

    This wasn't like playing 'house' with his dolls. Yellow fever was much more real. Remus didn't want to be the man of the house anymore; when would dad come back from this long, long work trip?

  • Grand Mal

    Remus lives with more than lycanthropy.

  • Quickly, Early, Soon

    He couldn't process this. Then again, it is something one can ever fully process?

  • Distancing

    Scorpius is taught what "social distancing" means.

  • Sleepless

    How can such a little newborn baby possibly keep his parents awake every single night?

  • What He Knew

    Sirius knew a lot about Remus Lupin.

  • What He Knew

    Sirius knew a lot about Remus Lupin.

  • A Lot to Overcome

    His name, his home, his condition. He had a lot to overcome.