
  • Strikeouts

    Ron's writing a letter declaring his love to Hermione, and we've gotten a hold of the rough draft version. It is defintely *ahem* interesting...PLEASE R/R! *My first pitiful attempt at satire...*

  • Life at 25...When You're Only 15

    Ron explains all that happens to him when he was trasnported ten years into the future. He talks with Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, and something hilariously funny and slightly "shocking" happens in the end--good for those "I love to see Ron embarrassed

  • By Memories, Dreams, and Mysteries

    Completely bizzare--I was bored...felt like writing a fic. About a mysterious man with an unknown past. Set in the future...PLEASE R/R!

  • The Werewolf

    My first MWPP fanfic...please R/R! About when/how James, Sirius, and Peter discover Remus's true identity and what happens...

  • Harry Potter and the Runaway

    Sorry for the repost guys! Fixed some errors and had to repost under my new name. It's a HHR adventure; they finding *something* in the Forbidden Forest..PLEASE R/R!!

  • A/The Story of Lily and James

    This my first attempt at a L/J fic...it's kind of about when/how Lily and James first get to know each other. PLEASE R/R! :-) Thanks...