
  • Les 1001 jouets de Magister

    (petit spoil pour le volume 3) Parodie d'une scène du premier livre. Parce que des bonbons, sérieusement? Autant essayer autre chose. C'est ce que ce bon vieux Mag' réserve à Tara...

  • Forged in Fire: Book I: Agrom

    AU. Born among the lava people, the young Agrom learns of his fate as an Earth Lord. However, things aren't as smooth as one would expect, especially not when Magor is your father. Can Agrom give his trust to fellow princes? And how will he fare against his own?

  • From Elemental Vortex to Slip Rift?

    Taken from episode 16 of the 2018 show, "All For One"... and season 3's premiere of the original show "Rebirth". The four Heralds got sucked into the vortex towards a strange place... meanwhile, Magor realizes the orbs of the Lords of Nature are much harder to order around than expected, giving strange results.