Rhianna Greengrass

  • Red Roses

    Sometimes, it just takes a new perspective and a new chance to change all of history [Time traveller fic] [Arthur X Catalina] [May change to M rating later]

  • Icarus & the Sun

    He loved the way the rays of light crept across the stone floor, colouring his own hair tinges of gold and leaving the stone slabs warm even after it had set. He loved the sun at dawn time, when it was as bright as a polished ruby, sitting on the horizon gently. He loved how the sun would bask him in its warm embrace, never letting go. Yes, Icarus loved the sun.

  • Thy Golden Self

    Aurelia Malfoy and her brother are close siblings, the center of each other's worlds. But when Aurelia is Sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, everything about her life changes. Was she going to stay as the war asset and political bargaining tool for her parents or would she choose to be her own person?

  • Sister of Potter

    Rylee Harper was a normal 23 year old with a love for the Harry Potter series. So, of course she would be shocked when she founds out she was in the womb of one Lily Potter nee Evans after being shot to death. Now, as Anastasia Lily Potter, she has to carve her way through the wizarding world. Dark!Dumbledore Mild swearing and super AU

  • Kiss Cam

    Ron has liked Hermione for a long time but isn't sure how to tell her. One day, they go to a Quidditch match but there's something new there. Can the Kiss Cam help Ron confess his love for Hermione? Slash, Fluff-fic