

  • Comparison

    All his life, Sebastian has been compared to his half-sister, Maru. And he's sick of it. Why doesn't anyone appreciate him?

  • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

    Sebastian wasn't too big on town festivals. However, he always had a soft spot for the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.

  • Ambushed

    The Farmer gets ambushed in the mines late at night and Sebastian is the only one awake to see the aftermath.

  • Raincoat

    It was a rainy day, and the Farmer decided they would go fishing instead of heading to the mines today. What they didn't expect was to find somebody out in this weather... and certainly not Sebastian, of all people.

  • A Chance Encounter

    Sebastian had never been one for social situations. And yet here he was, sitting beside someone he had met just hours before. The worst part? He actually enjoyed the Farmer's company.

  • The Strange Happenings of Peter Parker

    "Do you lay eggs?" Peter froze for a moment, but caught himself. "What? No!" Peter exclaimed. Mpreg. Rated M so I don't get in trouble. Not super graphic.