River of Light

  • Eyes On Me

    The drift is intimate. It lets you know everything about a person.

  • Fail, Break, Fall (Rise, Heal, Overcome)

    Lan Huan has never had the best luck. His life can attest to that quite well, he feels. However, when a chance to change the past and save the people he loved is dropped into his lap by a martial god, who is he to refuse?

  • give up what you are (to become what you want to be)

    Not many know how the universe works but maybe... maybe three people broken and hurt can help each other heal and learn and grow beyond what they were. Part of "they change nothing at all (and everything all at once)"

  • ripples reach far from a single pebble (she's far from a pebble)

    Shouto loves his siblings and his mother. Loves them with all he has though they don't help, they never help. He father is less a father now than a stranger but his disappointment in Shouto burns like the fire that he used to think was so pretty. (It's not pretty anymore, it's scary and it hurts) Auntie's different, though. Different then all of them. He decides he loves her most

  • The Weight of the World

    Tobirama doesn't know who they are or what they want but he has a feeling that life would be a lot more difficult had they not been there, correcting mistakes and easing tension every step of the way from the sidelines. Izuna seems to agree with him, at least.

  • Bleeding Grey

    He learns that soulmates are more than he had first taken them for and now he will do anything to secure peace. Anything.

  • Alone Together

    Their love is not one written about in stories.

  • Tobirama's Misadventure's in an Alternate Universe

    Tobirama goes up against Kinkaku and Ginkaku to save his students expecting to die. What he doesn't expect is waking up again. On top of that, it can't even do him the solid of being the same universe.