

  • My new life

    This is a sequel to me a princess, Kimberly has been reborn in another alternate universe where she doesn't remember her life as a ranger or princess, she is friend's with the time force rangers never knowing that a greater evil is after her. The rangers go through the upgrade change to Zeo rangers where they battle a new enemy, the scouts are in for a shock of there lives.

  • Fate or Loss

    The Sailor Scouts minus Saturn were killed by Galaxia, Pluto ended up sending Saturn to the world of the Avengers where she will help them battle Thanos so she can train to kill Galaxia to bring her friends back. But there are twists in this story will Saturn and the Avengers survive or will they fall to Thanos?

  • My fate

    Hotaru goes to forks to see her cousin Bella, not knowing that her cousin associates herself with vampires and werewolf's, now the volturi is after Hotaru because of her powers but they won't be able to get her unless they go through the Cullen's and the werewolf's along with Hotaru imprint. (Hotaru was never reborn so she can control everyone's power since she is the scout of dest

  • me a princess remake

    So this is my remake of me a princess I am working on a prequel to the story as well