
  • Spinner of Fate

    Due to a his Grampa's involvement in a dangerous case, Naoto Shirogane is sent away to one of his Grampa's old friends - one Shuji Ikutsuki. However, living at Iwatodai Dormitory is nowhere near as risk-free as Grampa had thought, and Naoto is soon tangled in a strange world of Personas, Shadows, Dark Hours and a woman in the Velvet Room who keeps calling him the "Rewriter".

  • Where the Wind Blows

    No matter how the people see them, the Archons are not gods. They make mistakes, they are prone to petty quarrels, they are biased. The Archons are not gods. They are people. (But the line between person and god becomes clearer and clearer as mortals die all around them, as they continue to exist, unchanging and forever changed.)