
  • Stuck On My Brother!

    Fred and George have been playing pranks on Ron all year long. Ron is now sick of it…What happens when Ron decides to make a little “trick candy” to test on Fred and George? Will the two masters of Pranks fall in love with each other? FW/GW please R

  • How Lily Met James and How Petunia Met Vernon

    Lily never went to Hogwarts…Petunia did. So how did Lily meet James? Was Petunia actually dating James? And how did Petunia meet Vernon if he never went to Hogwarts? Was Lily dating Vernon? WILL NOT CONTINUE

  • Love for Four

    What happens when Fred, George, Draco, Harry and Cedric meet the 4 new students? Will they fall in love even though the girls they like are in different houses? WILL NOT CONTINUE!

  • Chaser Love

    What happens when sexy-looking Adrian Pucey meets snobby Katie, the new transfer student from Drumstrang? Will it be love at first sight or will it be a broken heart for Adrian? WILL NOT CONTINUE