Just Mila

  • Twisted Traditions

    He was the first Malfoy in Gryffindor. She was the first Weasley in Ravenclaw. He was the first Potter in Slytherin. Follow them, as together, they try to find themselves outside of their parents' shadows. As well as discovering the untold truth; uncovering a hidden war; and cleaning up a mess their parents left. Whether or not they succeed, let us find out.

  • Miracle Sister

    [Post-02] In which Jun is trying to adjust to the revelation of Davis' no-longer-secret life as a DigiDestined, and failing to do so. As if that's not enough, Davis disappears without trace, the DigiDestined shut her out, DemiVeemon is barely alive and Jun can't even enter the Digital World to save her baby brother. At least her parents aren't home to worry over their missing son.

  • Birthday Tributes

    Celebrating Harry Potter characters' birthdays. Enjoy, or not. Updated only on their birthdays. Hoping to do all characters whose birthdays we know. Latest chapter — McGonagall.

  • Reading with Hogwarts: The Philosopher's Stone

    In the future, Harry's friends think it's better for everyone to know his tribulations so they'd see beyond his fame. Their kids lock the Hogwarts students & staff in the Great Hall and have them read the books. [Hoping to do all seven books.] (T for mild swearing.) {In canon with my other fic Twisted Traditions.}


    :I am a knight, addressed only as Sir Arthur: :Her name is Molly: :But as I follow her, she steps through a door I have never before seen: Arthur POV, AU, small challenge. Sweet and a bit fluffy. R&R!