
  • The Witch-Bang Theory

    Penny meets her grandfather Maurice and learns she's a witch. How will she handle her new-found abilities and relatives? How can Leonard help her cope with them? And what will this mean for the future of their engagement and their relationship? A Big Bang Theory / Bewitched (Classic TV series) crossover.

  • Harry Potter and the Vampire's Assistant

    A vampire puts the bite on Harry, but it's for a good cause: he wants Harry to destroy Voldemort, even if it kills him. Ron and Hermione are also drawn into the adventure even as Harry tries to protect them.

  • Harry Potter and the Eternal Realm

    When Harry goes to the Zoo with the Dursleys on Dudley's 11th birthday, he meets Samantha Stephens, who learns that Harry is a distant cousin and that he's being mistreated at home. She rescues him and she and her mother Endora begin teaching Harry witchcraft. A Harry Potter / Bewitched crossover, for now the story will categorize as HP only.

  • Created, Harry Potter

    Harry returns to Privet Drive after first year and is immediately banished to his room without his wand or books. Things look bleak until two men arrive-Remo and Chiun-to take him from the Dursleys to teach him Sinanju in fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. But what will this do to Dumbledore's carefully-laid plans? Harry Potter/The Destroyer series crossover.

  • The Wand, the Ring and the Sword

    About to duel a resurrected Voldemort, Harry is visited by a Green Lantern Power Ring, receiving its powers. What will he do with such power? Will he wield it wisely, or will the power go to his head? And what has happened to the original Green Lantern, Hal Jordan?

  • The Tropical Paradise Alteration

    An AU version of The Tropical Paradise Theory, by SRAM. This story will proceed in parallel with that one, with some alterations (of course, why else would I call it the Tropical Paradise Alteration)? If you're wondering why I'm doing this, I like the premise of SRAM's story and want to do my own take on it, while paying homage to his story.

  • The First Meeting Alteration

    The pilot episode retold with the alteration that Penny and Leonard first meet without Sheldon present.

  • The Trial of Sirius Black

    One-shot. Sirius Black is brought before the Wizengamot on the charge of the multiple murders of 13 men, including wizard Peter Pettigrew. Includes a timeline of the events leading up to the so-called trial.

  • Harry Potter and the Overman

    AU. Many years after the most powerful being on Earth surrenders to him, Harry Potter goes to visit him in Nurmengard, to ask him why he surrendered when he could have killed everyone and won. One-shot. Published 3/16/2014.

  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Chaos

    A sequel to Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres owns a global corporation that is poised and ready for the Singularity, or so it seems, until a journalist appears wanting to question Harry's motivations.

  • Harry Potter Versus

    On his 20th birthday, Harry is kidnapped and set up against a series of opponents from places and situations unknown to him, to test his skill as a Auror and wizard. He has no idea who he'll be up against until he meets them. Ch. 1 - The Hulk! Ch. 2 - Harry Callahan! Ch. 3 - Remo Williams! Ch. 4 - Duncan MacLeod! Ch. 5 - Sheldon Cooper! Ch. 6 - The Doctor! Ch. 7 - A.K.!

  • Ex Machina IV: Monroe Vs AK

    A.K. is a pretty tough hombre - he routinely eats Voldemorts for lunch - and breakfast and supper - snacks, too! But has he met his match in James Harrison Monroe? Based on Dimension Hopping for Beginners, by nonjon

  • Harry Thunderer and the Uru Hammer

    In the Department of Mysteries Harry chances upon an unusual artifact-a giant's wand. But is that what it really is? Of course not! It's the Hammer of Thor, and Harry is transformed into the Thunderer! How will he use the power that's been given to him?

  • The Three Rings

    After the Battle of Hogwarts, Mr. Ollivander presents Harry, Ron, and Hermione with the Silver Chest, a mysterious artifact that has been in his family for generations. Will they be able to open it? And once open, will they be able to keep what's inside?

  • Ex Machina III

    A long time ago, after the defeat of Voldemort, Professor Dumbledore went on a vacation with Professor James Monroe, the two men who had most influenced Harry Potter. They never returned. A very old Harry has been alone for many years. It's his birthday!

  • Ex Machina II

    What would happen if someone gave Harry a chance to learn magic BEFORE he attended Hogwarts? Would he be better prepared to face Voldemort, or would the power go to his head, making him arrogant and careless? A continuation of the story Ex Machina.

  • The Potter Brand

    In August 1995, Harry helps a stranger in Little Whinging and is given the Star Brand in return, a mysterious artifact of immense power that can solve the Voldemort problem in no time. But things are always more complicated than they appear! Complete.

  • Harry Potter and the Vault of Mystery

    AU Year 7: The Trio plan to skip their last year at Hogwarts and find Horcruxes, but everything changes when Voldemort is killed, apparently by--Neville! And who is this new exchange student, Jonathan Crown? What's his connection with Voldemort, if any?

  • Being Gilderoy Lockhart

    The author goes to sleep one night and wakes up the next morning to find he's become Gilderoy Lockhart! He doesn't know any magic, he's got no idea who's making breakfast downstairs, and Dumbledore is due at his door any moment now! Complete.

  • Harry Potter and the Ultimate Showdown

    Humor and parody with HRH crossing over into the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Only one will survive, I wonder who it will be? Chapter 4 features LOTR characters, plus cameos from the Matrix and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Run away!