
  • Draco and the Muggle Novels

    Draco gets caught reading horror novels by muggles and is sent to a camp for dark wizards who read that kind of stuff.

  • If I had my life to give again

    I had it in my mind for this to be told by Lily to Harry, though no names are mentioned. Inspired by Nathan Hale's last few words.

  • Room 22

    Draco is dead and it is said that his spirit haunts room 22 at the Leaky Cauldron. The diaries of people who have claimed to see him . . .

  • Who Are You?

    I think all I need to say is that Lily is the person telling the story, which is set to a poem/song I wrote.

  • The Reason

    I know, it's not that good, but I wrote this when I had a cold and couldn't get the count (Bram Stoker's Dracula) out of my head, so I guess that explains it. It's A Snape-fic, kind of crime/drama.