

  • Warp and Weft

    Ally, Dez, and a quiet moment of bonding on Austin's tour.

  • Never Be Afraid to Fall

    Trish isn't very good at the superhero thing, okay? She makes a living showing off her powers, not rescuing people. And she was perfectly fine with that until she's asked to help out in an actually serious situation. Luckily for her, Dez is equally bad at the damsel in distress thing. (Or, the Trez superhero au nobody but me asked for)

  • Nebulous

    Nebulous, adj: Undefined; unclear or hazy. (Or, Austin tries to figure out his relationships without ruining everything in the process.)

  • Double Take

    The multiverse theory says that our universe is only one of many, that there are many versions of ourselves, each playing a slightly altered role. It's only a matter of looking at the world through a different lens. Or, Dez is songwriter without stage fright, Trish is a singer neutral to rocking, Austin is the manager, and Ally is the director hoping this wouldn't be a total wreck.