
  • Walk With Me

    Drabble series following 5x15. Andy knows she has to stand on her own two feet and face what's in front of her. Robert knows he can't save Andy from this, but he can walk beside her as she saves herself. They both know lack of love wasn't the reason for the divorce. Now the question is, could rekindling their friendship be the path back to one another?

  • The Limits of Love

    After a knock down drag out fight in front of their teams at the Crisis One training event, Andy's secret coming out and Robert signing the divorce papers, there's little hope for Surrera. The limits of their love have been tested, will they break or come back stronger?

  • This is Us (Random Surrera Oneshots)

    I love organization so rather than a bunch of random stories everywhere, you'll get various Surrera oneshots all in one place! Enjoy :)