
  • Should you seek redemption

    Starts a few days after the events of "Returning to everyday life", when trouble comes to Inazuma...

  • Returning to everyday life

    An interlude story which takes place a few days after the events of "Mondstadt is home, a place to belong", when there's finally some peace and quiet...

  • Mondstadt is home, a place to belong

    Takes place some time after the events of "Let's watch the show" (or is it actually before...?), when Cultists suddenly show up!

  • The Wind has dissipated

    This is a small story based on my "tragic what-if chapter" with the same name, with 3 different endings.

  • Let's watch the show

    Takes place sometime after the events of "It's the Ludi Harpastrum! Let the insanity begin ", when a secret meeting is being held...

  • It's the Ludi Harpastrum! Let the insanity begin

    Takes place 3 nights after the events of "Ludi Harpastum? There's still matters to take care off first!", when Venti encounters a surprise. *It starts similar to the Windblume festival story, so it gets better(With the insanity) as the story goes by.