
  • Project X Zone: Subspace Emissary

    A Subspace Emissary story with third-party characters replacing Nintendo characters. Sonic, Megaman, Cloud, and the other video game heroes must stop the Subspace Army and save the world.

  • Jump Ultimate Stars: Subspace Emissary

    A Subspace Emissary story with anime characters replacing Nintendo characters. Goku, Naruto, Luffy, and the other anime heroes must stop the Subspace Army and save the world.

  • Pokemon X Digimon: Subspace Emissary

    A Subspace Emissary story with Pokemon and Digimon characters replacing Nintendo characters. The heroes of Pokemon and Digimon must work together to defeat the Subspace Army and save the world.

  • Super Smash Bros X Jump Super Stars: Acme All-Star Tournament

    Inspired by Super Saiyan Crash. The Super Smash Bros. and Jump Super Stars join forces to compete in a new tournament held in Acme Acres. Mario, Link, Fox, and Pikachu, alongside Goku, Naruto, Luffy, and Patamon must fight their enemies once again.

  • Video Games X Anime

    Loosely based on Namco X Capcom. The video game characters must join forces with the anime characters to defeat the ultimate forces of evil. Multiple video game and anime crossovers.