A Subspace Emissary story with third-party characters replacing Nintendo characters. Sonic, Megaman, Cloud, and the other video game heroes must stop the Subspace Army and save the world.
A Subspace Emissary story with anime characters replacing Nintendo characters. Goku, Naruto, Luffy, and the other anime heroes must stop the Subspace Army and save the world.
A Subspace Emissary story with Pokemon and Digimon characters replacing Nintendo characters. The heroes of Pokemon and Digimon must work together to defeat the Subspace Army and save the world.
Inspired by Super Saiyan Crash. The Super Smash Bros. and Jump Super Stars join forces to compete in a new tournament held in Acme Acres. Mario, Link, Fox, and Pikachu, alongside Goku, Naruto, Luffy, and Patamon must fight their enemies once again.
Loosely based on Namco X Capcom. The video game characters must join forces with the anime characters to defeat the ultimate forces of evil. Multiple video game and anime crossovers.