
  • Shadowsinger

    ACOSF and Azriel bonus chapter spoilers * Training without Nesta and Cassian should have been fine, if it weren't for Gwyn, if it weren't for how he could never approach her. Some nights he needs an escape, but never expected her to hear his song in the shadows, for her to sing to the shadows herself. This is set a few months after the end of ACOSF

  • Sleepless Nights

    Screaming babies are one thing, getting to see her husband calm them down is quite the opposite, a sight that Sera could never tire of. It's been far too long since she saw him for more than a few moments, but perhaps Ash has a plan to deal with that. Rated M for smut in chapter 3.

  • Stunning, Murderous, Beautiful Queen

    The war is over, Atlantia is safe, they have all the time in the world to do everything and nothing, but first, the celebration that should have occurred months ago is long overdue.

  • This Changes Nothing

    Everything was ruined. Tomorrow Nyktos would take her as Consort, but it could never mean anything, and it was all her fault. It was getting harder and harder to stay away from her, despite everything, but he couldn't afford to listen to his foolish, aching heart.

  • Too Much

    She can't go on like this, she can't allow anything else to be torn away from her, not Feyre, not the babe that would die with her, and not Cassian. If she could make it all stop, escape from the horrors of life, perhaps she should. TW Depression, suicidal thoughts